Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bestie for LIFE!

Out of all my friends in this world, Morgan Dulski is my best one! Although the majority of the time she loves to stalk people and creep on everyone, I still love her. I have known Morgan for basically my entire life. It’s so strange to look back on old pictures that we have of us from the intermediate school. We first got to know each other from our parents because they are also super close friends as well. We have even been on a few vacations together. We have gone camping with our families at Jelly Stone State Park and shared many laughs together. I have also gone camping to Allegheny with her family. In Allegheny we were able to literally come within 25 yards of a black bear! As Morgan started to run away I pulled the back of her shirt so that she wasn’t able to go anywhere and I ran past her, what a good friend, I know! Also, a couple summers ago her family took me on another vacation to Lake George. In Lake George, Morgan was even hypnotized and told the crowd that her name was Bethany? I am fortunate enough to spend countless memories with this crazy girl. Together we are like two peas in a pod. That’s what our mom’s tell us. Not only have I spent many vacations with Morgie Porgie, we have also spent several holidays together, now that’s true friendship! For starters we have spent Easter nights together twice. After our family gatherings we would get together for some fun girl time! Same goes with Thanksgiving. There have been multiple Thanksgiving nights that we have spent together. Morgan and I have also spent New Year’s Eve together for as long as I can possibly remember. All in all, Morgan and I have been best friends ever since I can remember and will be for the rest of our lives! I love Morgan Elizabeth Jude Dulski!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Little Red Wagon

One time in middle school, Morgan and I decided that we wanted to have a sleepover. We therefore decided to call Amanda Munn and invite her to our slumber party! Once she arrived we went to tops to buy a very heavy pound bag of candy. However, we thought that it would be entertaining to take Morgan’s Disney Princess walkie-talkies along with us and run around tops like fools with them. Of course, that plan failed. So when we got home we had another great idea to dress up like babies. We dressed ourselves in footie pajamas and put our hair in pigtails on top of our heads. We then proceeded to get Morgan’s old red wagon out of her garage. Amanda and I designated Morgan to be the one that we would pull in the wagon. After we got ourselves all prepared, it was time to hit the road. Morgan lives on Sandridge road, which is a fairly busy road. Amanda and I pulled Morgan a pretty good length down the road and we thought it was the funniest thing, and now I have no idea why it was so funny. Cars were driving by honking their horns and waving to us which made our little adventure even more entertaining. Anyways, as we were walking we realized we were pretty far down the road and decided that we should turn around to head back. As we started to cross and were in one of the lanes, it then occurred to us to check and look for traffic, and of course there was a big white van coming straight for us. Without thinking Amanda and I ditched Morgan and ran across the road into the ditch. We completely forgot that Morgan was in the wagon and was unable to run also. We then had to run back and grab the wagon and pull her into the ditch with us. We laughed so hard that Morgan even peed her pants. Yes, I will repeat. Morgan Dulski peed herself straight through her pants! This occurrence was one of the most memorable times that I have spent with my best friend Morgan.

summer job !

Over this past summer I was a worker for the Alden Recreation Program. Last year was my first year and many are yet to come. I absolutely loved my job. I was hired to basically spend time with children all morning and entertain them. This was a fun way for parents to keep their children entertained during the summer and it was also a chance for their children to meet and make new friends. The parents would simply drop their kids off and sign them in and then the rest was up to us. From 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. we had a group of very young children ranging from ages 3 to 5. Then at 10:30 a.m. until 12:00 a.m. children from ages 6 to 8 would come. The entire hour and a half was also filled with excitement and never really got boring. Every morning first thing we would read a book to the children and then have one of the kids count how many of them were there. We would then play a game such as a tag game or sometime even play on the playground, until it was time to make a craft! Every day there was a new craft ready to be made and the kids were always looking forward to making them. After the craft was over we would then continue to play some more games and if they were lucky enough they would even get a popsicle at the end to the day. Each day was the game for both age groups. I absolutely loved my job, mostly because I adore children and spending time with them. I also loved how I was able to form many close relationships with the children and even their parents. I was even invited to one of the girls 5th birthday party with all of her friends in October which was a lot of fun. This was the perfect job for me and it fit my personality so well that I will be returning to this program every summer. Another perk about this job was that I never had to work on weekends and always had the remainder of my summer days free. Working for the Alden Rec Program helped me to truly realize that I would love to pursue a career that involves working with children.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010



A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place.

- Jean Kyler McManus –

I chose to write about this poem because I feel as though friendship is a very important aspect of life. Without friendship I honestly do not know where I would be. Whenever I need someone to talk to, I always know just who I can turn to. My best friend Morgan Dulski is someone who knows anything and everything about my life because there isn’t anything that I keep from her. She is the one that I turn to when I just need someone to vent to and share my secrets with. Morgan and I have been very close ever since we were little. Even to this day we remain just as close, if not closer to each other. We are also very fortunate because our moms are best friends. This is a huge bonus to us being friends because at every family friend party we get to be together! This poem truly reminded me of the friendship I share with my own friends. I always turn to my friends when I am down because I know that they are able to lift me back up again. When I am with them, they never fail to put a smile on my face. Friendship truly is a gift. They are the ones who understand you most and will have your back until the end. Mostly everyone’s early years of life are spent with friends for the majority of the time. We are with our friends all day at school, and on the weekends. Therefore they are the people who most of our memories are shared with. Everyone needs a true friend. Someone to lean on, share your memories with, to tell your dreams and someone to be a major part of your life. I liked this poem because I was able to easily relate it to my life due to the fact that I feel all of the same things about friendship. It helped me to appreciate the friendships that I have even more than I used to. It also made me realize how valuable having friends in your life truly is.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Online Publishing

Since the beginning of this course I have discovered many new things about myself as a writer. I have found out that I am much more creative than I have ever imagined and that coming up with story ideas isn’t that tough to do. As far as my writing process goes, I don’t exactly have one. I just type whatever comes to my mind as I am writing a blog or an article. If there are important things that I know I want to mention later on in my writing, I will type it at the bottom of my paper so that I will not forget. I generally like writing and don’t mind it at all. However I prefer to write about something that I myself can relate to. For example, I like to write about a past experience that I have encountered or a club or activity that I am involved with. I feel as though this makes it come easier to me because of the fact that I am familiar with the topic and feel most comfortable writing about it. I do not like to write about things like current events, or essays on a book and things like that, because I am unable to relate myself to them in any way at all. This class has had a major impact on my writing. I am now more confident with it and feel as though it comes easier to me. Being an editor I feel has also helped me to become a better writer. It helps me to know what mistakes to look for with my own articles. I am now very confident that I even offer to read over Mike’s college papers to make sure there are no errors. I am also able to provide him with advice if he needs it about his papers. Online publishing has definitely helped me to become a better writer and to also enjoy it more!


Beauty has a stronger meaning behind it than just the term in the dictionary. Beauty can be both internal and external. External beauty is what a person appears to me from the outside, which could show nothing close to the person who they really are. Beauty is something that is natural and not being fake. An example of fake beauty would be dying your hair, wearing fake nails and tanning, just to make yourself appear to be more beautiful. And I am sure we are all guilty of fake beauty but who isn’t. Unfortunately almost every one out there first judges people by their outer beauty, and not by what really matters. Internal beauty to me is having a sweet and sensitive soul.  Internal beauty is really what defines each and every one of us as a person. Having internal beauty is something that comes naturally to people. An individual in my life that portrays true beauty would be Morgan Dulski. Not only is she absolutely stunning to look at, she is also a warm hearted girl. I know this because we are so close I may know her just as much as she knows herself. She is such a good friend and I know I can trust her with everything. She is always very caring about sensitive situations and is always there to talk. Morgan is most definitely an individual that has beauty, inside and out. Beauty does not only have to be about people, but about life in general as well. Life itself is beautiful and we are all very fortunate to be able to be here. Every memory made and every laugh shared has a personal and beautiful story behind it. Nature is also beautiful as well. Whether it is the bright sun shining down onto a lake or the sparkling white snow trickling down from the sky, all aspects of nature are beautiful in their own ways.

Friday, December 10, 2010


One afternoon I was sitting on my front porch enjoying the sunshine. When I was absolutely shocked to see my neighbor Bill’s garden gnome walking straight towards me. I was rubbing my eyes and pinching my skin in disbelief. He just walked up to me as if nothing were unusual about the situation and told me that he had something very important that he felt he had to tell me. He proceeded to tell me that as he was sitting in Bill’s garden on the front lawn he saw something that completely shocked him. He said that he watched my other neighbor Sam creep up to my house in the middle of the day while everyone is either away at work or school. He then told me that he walked right up to the windows and started looking inside very carefully. He knew that something was not right with this situation so he hopped out of the garden and followed Sam around to the back of the house. Sam then casually opened the back sliding door as if it were his own house and walked inside. About twenty minutes later, Sam came out of the same door with his arms full of money and gold jewelry. So no one could see he ran to the fence that separates the houses and threw everything to his side of the fence. The garden gnome told me that he felt as though this was very important for me to know. I was very thankful that the gnome had shared this information to me. That night I called the police and peered out my window as the officers approached Sam’s door. Needless to say, my money and jewelry was sitting wide open on Sam’s kitchen table to I was able to get back what was mine!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Barney ROCKS!

My favorite childhood television show is most definitely Barney.  As I was growing up Barney was my world. I was pretty much obsessed with this show. I owned every Barney tape known to man and still keep them in a closest along with all of our other movies. When my grandmother would baby sit me and my parents would head to work I always asked my grandma to put in Barney for me and that kept me occupied for most of the day. Barney must have been a pretty good show because my sister was in love with it as well. My grandma would make us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cut diagonally and we would be sit on a rug placed literally two feet away from the TV and stare in amazement. I have no idea why Barney was so amazing to me, but for unknown reasons he was. All he did was talk about manners and loving your friends and stuff like that, but somehow I was still obsessed with this show. Talk about a major Barney fan, that’s me. I had Barney everything as a child. A Barney blanket, Barney sleeping bag, Barney stuffed animals, Barney spoon, Barney Bowl, Barney cup, need I continue? All in all, Barney was amazing to me growing up and every now and then I still don’t mind popping some Barney tapes in and watching them. It’s funny now to watch them because and think of how much I used to love this show, but now I realize there was really nothing exciting about them at all. Barney ROCKS!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


There were many games and activities that I used to play when I was growing up. However, my favorite childhood game would have to be the game spud.  My dad’s side of the family is very large; therefore I had many cousins to play with growing up. At every family gathering, spud was the game to play. All seven of my cousins and I would start the game off by standing in a large circle and one person would stand in the middle of the circle with a ball. Each individual was given a number 1 through 8, because that was how many people there were playing the game. After everyone picked a number out of a hat, the person in the middle would throw the ball into the air and while doing so call out a number. If you’re your number was called you would have to run and try to catch the ball. All of the other players would run away as fast as they could. Once the ball was caught, the person in the middle would call out spud and that meant that everyone else would have to stop running. The person in the middle could then take 3 giant steps towards anyone they wanted and throw the ball at them. The person who was tagged then becomes the person in the middle throwing the ball up and calling out a number. If the person in the middle missed and didn’t hit anyone with the ball, they then remained in the middle. We would continue to play this game over and over again until we eventually became bored with it. Out of all the games that I have played throughout my childhood, spud would definitely have to be my favorite.

Friday, December 3, 2010


The word art has a different meaning to all individuals. To some people art is just simply another word, and to another’s art is a way of life. Although I am not the best artist and do not spend all of my time painting and drawing, I do believe that art is in fact a way of life. Art can be physical, such as expressing yourself through dancing and art can be expressed by a pad of paper and a brush. Art is a great way to expression yourself because the sky is the limit. Art can not only express feelings but different cultures as well and each culture has a different way of expressing it. Individuals are also able to let loose of their emotions through art. Just by looking at a painting or drawing, you get a certain feel for exactly what kind of mood the artist was in while he/she was creating their piece. Art is all around us and not many people realize it. Math is a part of our everyday lives, whether it be when baking a cake or telling the time. Just like math, art is also. Mostly everywhere you look there is something that was created by an individual and most creations involve the use of art. Art could basically be anything that tells a story. Therefore, art can also be expressed through photography. For every photo that has been taken, there is a story behind it whether you believe it or not. A photograph is captured to hold a memory, and art can also be expressed to do the same. Some works of art are not able to be understood, however that is what makes the piece special to the artist because it holds a certain meaning behind it that no one is able to figure out. I feel a though art is a beautiful way to express your emotions.