Beauty has a stronger meaning behind it than just the term in the dictionary. Beauty can be both internal and external. External beauty is what a person appears to me from the outside, which could show nothing close to the person who they really are. Beauty is something that is natural and not being fake. An example of fake beauty would be dying your hair, wearing fake nails and tanning, just to make yourself appear to be more beautiful. And I am sure we are all guilty of fake beauty but who isn’t. Unfortunately almost every one out there first judges people by their outer beauty, and not by what really matters. Internal beauty to me is having a sweet and sensitive soul. Internal beauty is really what defines each and every one of us as a person. Having internal beauty is something that comes naturally to people. An individual in my life that portrays true beauty would be Morgan Dulski. Not only is she absolutely stunning to look at, she is also a warm hearted girl. I know this because we are so close I may know her just as much as she knows herself. She is such a good friend and I know I can trust her with everything. She is always very caring about sensitive situations and is always there to talk. Morgan is most definitely an individual that has beauty, inside and out. Beauty does not only have to be about people, but about life in general as well. Life itself is beautiful and we are all very fortunate to be able to be here. Every memory made and every laugh shared has a personal and beautiful story behind it. Nature is also beautiful as well. Whether it is the bright sun shining down onto a lake or the sparkling white snow trickling down from the sky, all aspects of nature are beautiful in their own ways.
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