After I graduate from high school I plan to move on with my life and go forward with bigger and better plans. I want to attend a private college that is close to home. I want to commute to college because I have no interest in dorming. Living far away from home would be extremely hard for me because I am very close to my family and would become home sick. Although I am still searching for the perfect college, I have high hopes of attending Daemen College. At Daemen I want to major in Business Administration/Management and also receive a degree in Early Childhood Education. After all my schooling is over and I have graduated from college I plan to become a successful business owner. The business that I would like to start is a day care center. All my life I have loved the company of babies and children and have finally figured out that this would be the perfect career for me. I am also a very responsible, organized person which would help me to become a successful business owner. This career choice would fit my personality and interests perfectly. After I begin my business career, I will not be able to wait to get married, and have a family of my own! I hope to have a loving husband and three beautiful children and together live a happy life. What I want most out of life is to live a life full of adventures, accomplishments and overall happiness. I would also love to be remembered as a sincere, happy person who was full of life.
Everything you describe here would fit you perfectly. I can totally see you living this life and being very successful with a day care center. You'd be a great fit for the job and eventually one day be a wonderful mother. You go girl! :p