It was a terrifying day, unexplainable and like no other. However that is not how the day had begun. It was a cool fall day, with a slight breeze that would rush past me every so often. These types of days used to be my absolute favorite, used to be. As i was walking home from school multiple thoughts were rushing through my head. All I could seem to think about was how enjoyable life really is. I always made sure to walk with my head up high, with a positive outlook on my life. On that very evening, all of my positive views quickly changed. As i arrived home from school my mother was preparing chili for dinner, my favorite. What an excellent day I though as my father, mother and baby brother gathered around to enjoy our meal together. A I was peering out the window, the weather rapidly changed. What I saw then was like no other, dangerous winds and black skies. My father ordered everyone to the basement. Under my father's strict orders we all hustled down the stairs. As i got to the end of the stairs, I remembered that I forgot to grab my game boy before I went down. I ran back up the stairs quickly. I immediately heard my father screaming for me to return to the basement, when suddenly, it was too late. Before I knew what was happening I was spinning round and round in what felt like never ending circles. I was not the only one soaring through the air. But also my belongings, fears, and regrets. As i ascended higher into the air, I waved goodbye to my family, and everything I have ever known, and loved. Where I am now, and if I will ever see my family again, I do not know.
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