Thursday, November 4, 2010


Respect is a very important aspect of life. Respect means being able to show consideration, kindness and politeness towards others. Someone who is respectful does not intentionally try to hurt another individual and tries their best to put others feelings before their own. I have respect for many people in my life. I mostly respect adults because I look up to them for guidance and for inspiration. I also respect my family for always being by my side through the thick and thin and helping shape me into who I am today. And of course, I respect my true friends. I respect them for always considering my thoughts and feelings and always being there for me when I just need someone to vent to. There are many individuals of whom I look up to, but each of them for different reasons.  It is important that respect is not lost in a relationship. Lying to someone is the biggest way that respect can be lost. Gaining respect for someone is difficult to do, but trying to respect them after they have disrespected you is even harder. In my opinion, in order to make achievements in life and to succeed, respect is much needed. Not only do you have to respect others but you need to respect yourself as well. Having self-respect really shows people the person you really are. If you lack self-respect, chances are that you are not going to get much in return from others. All in all, respect is being polite to everyone by simply showing them you care.

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