Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Starry Night

On a warm summer’s day, a young man named David was going through terrible experiences. He was so down because he knew that his day could not possibly get any worse. However he was wrong. When David woke up, he found his favorite pet rabbit lying dead in his cage. He was more than upset about losing his favorite child hood pet.  After he pulled himself together and headed to school, he was slightly nervous about finding out the results for his class election. He had run for the position of class secretary and was very hopeful about winning. When the announcements were made, David’s day only got worse when his name was not announced for the role of secretary. The day then only seemed to drag on. Once he returned home from school and the sun had set, he decided to go outside in his back yard and just think. As he was staring at the stars and was deep into thought, he thought to himself “if only a shooting star would fly by right now, then I could make a wish!” As strange and ironic as it seems just moments after David’s thought, he was thrilled to find a shooting star passing over his head. He quickly made a wish in hopes in hopes of experiencing better and happier days. After feeling confident that his wish would come true, David went off to bed knowing that the morning he would wake up to would be beautiful and bright. Sure enough, that next morning David arose to sunshine and birds chirping outside his window. David then continued to have an excellent day at school. That day he had found out that he had gotten an A on his final exam for his math class, and also that he had gotten accepted into the college of his dreams. Things sure did turn around for David, all thanks to that very special shooting star.

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