Friday, November 19, 2010


Winning is simply succeeding at what you do. The word win is usually used when referring to a competition or game. Winners are people that are often looked up to by others. When playing a sport or competing in any type of game or contest, the object of the game is mostly to always win. Winning gives one a sense of achievement and success. Everyone loves to feel as though they made a major accomplishment.  Right before a competitive event, the coach most often says “just go out there and have fun, winning isn’t everything.” It bothers me when people say this because winning basically is everything is most cases. Whether it is playing soccer, competing in a cheerleading competition or playing a board game, everyone plays in hopes of winning. Not many people play a game in hopes of losing or getting second place, mostly everyone strives to win. However, in order to be winner you must work hard to accomplish your goals. Not many people are fortunate enough where they are naturally talented, most individuals have to work hard to become successful. A winner also never quits. They continue to strive to be the best at what they do. Even if it means failing multiple times before succeeding, that’s what it takes to be a true winner. Winning is basically the main goal of every aspect of life because it is a very competitive world out there. Although I do strongly believe that winning is a huge accomplishment and that it is the main point in most cases, as long as dedication and hard work was put forth, winning does not have to be everything. In my life, if I have the opportunity to win I keep myself dedicated and strive for success. If I fail I do not give up, I simply try harder next time. Being a winner is a major part of life.

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