Out of all my friends in this world, Morgan Dulski is my best one! Although the majority of the time she loves to stalk people and creep on everyone, I still love her. I have known Morgan for basically my entire life. It’s so strange to look back on old pictures that we have of us from the intermediate school. We first got to know each other from our parents because they are also super close friends as well. We have even been on a few vacations together. We have gone camping with our families at Jelly Stone State Park and shared many laughs together. I have also gone camping to Allegheny with her family. In Allegheny we were able to literally come within 25 yards of a black bear! As Morgan started to run away I pulled the back of her shirt so that she wasn’t able to go anywhere and I ran past her, what a good friend, I know! Also, a couple summers ago her family took me on another vacation to Lake George. In Lake George, Morgan was even hypnotized and told the crowd that her name was Bethany? I am fortunate enough to spend countless memories with this crazy girl. Together we are like two peas in a pod. That’s what our mom’s tell us. Not only have I spent many vacations with Morgie Porgie, we have also spent several holidays together, now that’s true friendship! For starters we have spent Easter nights together twice. After our family gatherings we would get together for some fun girl time! Same goes with Thanksgiving. There have been multiple Thanksgiving nights that we have spent together. Morgan and I have also spent New Year’s Eve together for as long as I can possibly remember. All in all, Morgan and I have been best friends ever since I can remember and will be for the rest of our lives! I love Morgan Elizabeth Jude Dulski!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Little Red Wagon
One time in middle school, Morgan and I decided that we wanted to have a sleepover. We therefore decided to call Amanda Munn and invite her to our slumber party! Once she arrived we went to tops to buy a very heavy pound bag of candy. However, we thought that it would be entertaining to take Morgan’s Disney Princess walkie-talkies along with us and run around tops like fools with them. Of course, that plan failed. So when we got home we had another great idea to dress up like babies. We dressed ourselves in footie pajamas and put our hair in pigtails on top of our heads. We then proceeded to get Morgan’s old red wagon out of her garage. Amanda and I designated Morgan to be the one that we would pull in the wagon. After we got ourselves all prepared, it was time to hit the road. Morgan lives on Sandridge road, which is a fairly busy road. Amanda and I pulled Morgan a pretty good length down the road and we thought it was the funniest thing, and now I have no idea why it was so funny. Cars were driving by honking their horns and waving to us which made our little adventure even more entertaining. Anyways, as we were walking we realized we were pretty far down the road and decided that we should turn around to head back. As we started to cross and were in one of the lanes, it then occurred to us to check and look for traffic, and of course there was a big white van coming straight for us. Without thinking Amanda and I ditched Morgan and ran across the road into the ditch. We completely forgot that Morgan was in the wagon and was unable to run also. We then had to run back and grab the wagon and pull her into the ditch with us. We laughed so hard that Morgan even peed her pants. Yes, I will repeat. Morgan Dulski peed herself straight through her pants! This occurrence was one of the most memorable times that I have spent with my best friend Morgan.
summer job !
Over this past summer I was a worker for the Alden Recreation Program. Last year was my first year and many are yet to come. I absolutely loved my job. I was hired to basically spend time with children all morning and entertain them. This was a fun way for parents to keep their children entertained during the summer and it was also a chance for their children to meet and make new friends. The parents would simply drop their kids off and sign them in and then the rest was up to us. From 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. we had a group of very young children ranging from ages 3 to 5. Then at 10:30 a.m. until 12:00 a.m. children from ages 6 to 8 would come. The entire hour and a half was also filled with excitement and never really got boring. Every morning first thing we would read a book to the children and then have one of the kids count how many of them were there. We would then play a game such as a tag game or sometime even play on the playground, until it was time to make a craft! Every day there was a new craft ready to be made and the kids were always looking forward to making them. After the craft was over we would then continue to play some more games and if they were lucky enough they would even get a popsicle at the end to the day. Each day was the game for both age groups. I absolutely loved my job, mostly because I adore children and spending time with them. I also loved how I was able to form many close relationships with the children and even their parents. I was even invited to one of the girls 5th birthday party with all of her friends in October which was a lot of fun. This was the perfect job for me and it fit my personality so well that I will be returning to this program every summer. Another perk about this job was that I never had to work on weekends and always had the remainder of my summer days free. Working for the Alden Rec Program helped me to truly realize that I would love to pursue a career that involves working with children.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place.
- Jean Kyler McManus –
A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place.
- Jean Kyler McManus –
I chose to write about this poem because I feel as though friendship is a very important aspect of life. Without friendship I honestly do not know where I would be. Whenever I need someone to talk to, I always know just who I can turn to. My best friend Morgan Dulski is someone who knows anything and everything about my life because there isn’t anything that I keep from her. She is the one that I turn to when I just need someone to vent to and share my secrets with. Morgan and I have been very close ever since we were little. Even to this day we remain just as close, if not closer to each other. We are also very fortunate because our moms are best friends. This is a huge bonus to us being friends because at every family friend party we get to be together! This poem truly reminded me of the friendship I share with my own friends. I always turn to my friends when I am down because I know that they are able to lift me back up again. When I am with them, they never fail to put a smile on my face. Friendship truly is a gift. They are the ones who understand you most and will have your back until the end. Mostly everyone’s early years of life are spent with friends for the majority of the time. We are with our friends all day at school, and on the weekends. Therefore they are the people who most of our memories are shared with. Everyone needs a true friend. Someone to lean on, share your memories with, to tell your dreams and someone to be a major part of your life. I liked this poem because I was able to easily relate it to my life due to the fact that I feel all of the same things about friendship. It helped me to appreciate the friendships that I have even more than I used to. It also made me realize how valuable having friends in your life truly is.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Online Publishing
Since the beginning of this course I have discovered many new things about myself as a writer. I have found out that I am much more creative than I have ever imagined and that coming up with story ideas isn’t that tough to do. As far as my writing process goes, I don’t exactly have one. I just type whatever comes to my mind as I am writing a blog or an article. If there are important things that I know I want to mention later on in my writing, I will type it at the bottom of my paper so that I will not forget. I generally like writing and don’t mind it at all. However I prefer to write about something that I myself can relate to. For example, I like to write about a past experience that I have encountered or a club or activity that I am involved with. I feel as though this makes it come easier to me because of the fact that I am familiar with the topic and feel most comfortable writing about it. I do not like to write about things like current events, or essays on a book and things like that, because I am unable to relate myself to them in any way at all. This class has had a major impact on my writing. I am now more confident with it and feel as though it comes easier to me. Being an editor I feel has also helped me to become a better writer. It helps me to know what mistakes to look for with my own articles. I am now very confident that I even offer to read over Mike’s college papers to make sure there are no errors. I am also able to provide him with advice if he needs it about his papers. Online publishing has definitely helped me to become a better writer and to also enjoy it more!
Beauty has a stronger meaning behind it than just the term in the dictionary. Beauty can be both internal and external. External beauty is what a person appears to me from the outside, which could show nothing close to the person who they really are. Beauty is something that is natural and not being fake. An example of fake beauty would be dying your hair, wearing fake nails and tanning, just to make yourself appear to be more beautiful. And I am sure we are all guilty of fake beauty but who isn’t. Unfortunately almost every one out there first judges people by their outer beauty, and not by what really matters. Internal beauty to me is having a sweet and sensitive soul. Internal beauty is really what defines each and every one of us as a person. Having internal beauty is something that comes naturally to people. An individual in my life that portrays true beauty would be Morgan Dulski. Not only is she absolutely stunning to look at, she is also a warm hearted girl. I know this because we are so close I may know her just as much as she knows herself. She is such a good friend and I know I can trust her with everything. She is always very caring about sensitive situations and is always there to talk. Morgan is most definitely an individual that has beauty, inside and out. Beauty does not only have to be about people, but about life in general as well. Life itself is beautiful and we are all very fortunate to be able to be here. Every memory made and every laugh shared has a personal and beautiful story behind it. Nature is also beautiful as well. Whether it is the bright sun shining down onto a lake or the sparkling white snow trickling down from the sky, all aspects of nature are beautiful in their own ways.
Friday, December 10, 2010
One afternoon I was sitting on my front porch enjoying the sunshine. When I was absolutely shocked to see my neighbor Bill’s garden gnome walking straight towards me. I was rubbing my eyes and pinching my skin in disbelief. He just walked up to me as if nothing were unusual about the situation and told me that he had something very important that he felt he had to tell me. He proceeded to tell me that as he was sitting in Bill’s garden on the front lawn he saw something that completely shocked him. He said that he watched my other neighbor Sam creep up to my house in the middle of the day while everyone is either away at work or school. He then told me that he walked right up to the windows and started looking inside very carefully. He knew that something was not right with this situation so he hopped out of the garden and followed Sam around to the back of the house. Sam then casually opened the back sliding door as if it were his own house and walked inside. About twenty minutes later, Sam came out of the same door with his arms full of money and gold jewelry. So no one could see he ran to the fence that separates the houses and threw everything to his side of the fence. The garden gnome told me that he felt as though this was very important for me to know. I was very thankful that the gnome had shared this information to me. That night I called the police and peered out my window as the officers approached Sam’s door. Needless to say, my money and jewelry was sitting wide open on Sam’s kitchen table to I was able to get back what was mine!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Barney ROCKS!
My favorite childhood television show is most definitely Barney. As I was growing up Barney was my world. I was pretty much obsessed with this show. I owned every Barney tape known to man and still keep them in a closest along with all of our other movies. When my grandmother would baby sit me and my parents would head to work I always asked my grandma to put in Barney for me and that kept me occupied for most of the day. Barney must have been a pretty good show because my sister was in love with it as well. My grandma would make us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cut diagonally and we would be sit on a rug placed literally two feet away from the TV and stare in amazement. I have no idea why Barney was so amazing to me, but for unknown reasons he was. All he did was talk about manners and loving your friends and stuff like that, but somehow I was still obsessed with this show. Talk about a major Barney fan, that’s me. I had Barney everything as a child. A Barney blanket, Barney sleeping bag, Barney stuffed animals, Barney spoon, Barney Bowl, Barney cup, need I continue? All in all, Barney was amazing to me growing up and every now and then I still don’t mind popping some Barney tapes in and watching them. It’s funny now to watch them because and think of how much I used to love this show, but now I realize there was really nothing exciting about them at all. Barney ROCKS!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
There were many games and activities that I used to play when I was growing up. However, my favorite childhood game would have to be the game spud. My dad’s side of the family is very large; therefore I had many cousins to play with growing up. At every family gathering, spud was the game to play. All seven of my cousins and I would start the game off by standing in a large circle and one person would stand in the middle of the circle with a ball. Each individual was given a number 1 through 8, because that was how many people there were playing the game. After everyone picked a number out of a hat, the person in the middle would throw the ball into the air and while doing so call out a number. If you’re your number was called you would have to run and try to catch the ball. All of the other players would run away as fast as they could. Once the ball was caught, the person in the middle would call out spud and that meant that everyone else would have to stop running. The person in the middle could then take 3 giant steps towards anyone they wanted and throw the ball at them. The person who was tagged then becomes the person in the middle throwing the ball up and calling out a number. If the person in the middle missed and didn’t hit anyone with the ball, they then remained in the middle. We would continue to play this game over and over again until we eventually became bored with it. Out of all the games that I have played throughout my childhood, spud would definitely have to be my favorite.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The word art has a different meaning to all individuals. To some people art is just simply another word, and to another’s art is a way of life. Although I am not the best artist and do not spend all of my time painting and drawing, I do believe that art is in fact a way of life. Art can be physical, such as expressing yourself through dancing and art can be expressed by a pad of paper and a brush. Art is a great way to expression yourself because the sky is the limit. Art can not only express feelings but different cultures as well and each culture has a different way of expressing it. Individuals are also able to let loose of their emotions through art. Just by looking at a painting or drawing, you get a certain feel for exactly what kind of mood the artist was in while he/she was creating their piece. Art is all around us and not many people realize it. Math is a part of our everyday lives, whether it be when baking a cake or telling the time. Just like math, art is also. Mostly everywhere you look there is something that was created by an individual and most creations involve the use of art. Art could basically be anything that tells a story. Therefore, art can also be expressed through photography. For every photo that has been taken, there is a story behind it whether you believe it or not. A photograph is captured to hold a memory, and art can also be expressed to do the same. Some works of art are not able to be understood, however that is what makes the piece special to the artist because it holds a certain meaning behind it that no one is able to figure out. I feel a though art is a beautiful way to express your emotions.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Starry Night
On a warm summer’s day, a young man named David was going through terrible experiences. He was so down because he knew that his day could not possibly get any worse. However he was wrong. When David woke up, he found his favorite pet rabbit lying dead in his cage. He was more than upset about losing his favorite child hood pet. After he pulled himself together and headed to school, he was slightly nervous about finding out the results for his class election. He had run for the position of class secretary and was very hopeful about winning. When the announcements were made, David’s day only got worse when his name was not announced for the role of secretary. The day then only seemed to drag on. Once he returned home from school and the sun had set, he decided to go outside in his back yard and just think. As he was staring at the stars and was deep into thought, he thought to himself “if only a shooting star would fly by right now, then I could make a wish!” As strange and ironic as it seems just moments after David’s thought, he was thrilled to find a shooting star passing over his head. He quickly made a wish in hopes in hopes of experiencing better and happier days. After feeling confident that his wish would come true, David went off to bed knowing that the morning he would wake up to would be beautiful and bright. Sure enough, that next morning David arose to sunshine and birds chirping outside his window. David then continued to have an excellent day at school. That day he had found out that he had gotten an A on his final exam for his math class, and also that he had gotten accepted into the college of his dreams. Things sure did turn around for David, all thanks to that very special shooting star.
I was extremely interested in this image when I first seen it. I mainly chose this image because as soon as it appeared on my screen, a major sense of curiosity swept over me. I actually began to stare at this image because I could not help but wonder where exactly the trail led to. The trail serves as the main focal point when looking at this image and the eye follows the trail all the way to the back, but then it suddenly just ends. It also leaves the viewer wondering if the trail even turns to the right or left, or if it doesn’t continue at all. It makes me wonder where this photo was taken and if it was even in this country. Another thing that I really like about this photo is the different shades of green and brown. I like that there is only two main colors, which helps to not take away from the focal point of the photo, which would be the trail. I also love how this image is so clear and texturized from the top to the bottom. I think that it is also interesting how you cannot see the top of the trees in this picture. Therefore, another question arises, how tall are the trees? This certain trail in the woods also looks to be peaceful and makes me wish that I was able to take a walk through this beautiful scenery. It almost looks as though this image is not even a photograph and as though it was highly edited or even neatly hand painted. It is very interesting to know that this image is just simply a photograph. I mainly chose this photograph to write about because just by glancing at it one may experience a great amount of curiosity such as I did.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
“Top Ten Things about Nate Zobrest”
1) He has an extremely masculine voice
2) He is a member of the best football team ever
3) He owns some pretty cool kicks
4) He has a stylish new hair style
5) He will be the very last person in the class of 2011 to receive their High School diploma
6) He is the only male in the AP Literature class
7) He has a very serious but funny personality
8) He is extremely tall
9) He is a very kind young man
10) He is a great editor of my newspaper articles
Nate is pretty sweet.
Monday, November 22, 2010
"Fear Builds Walls"
The statement “Fear builds walls,” just so happens to significantly relate to my life. This statement means to me that having fears will hold you back from so much in life. Being fearful restricts one from being a part of whatever it may be that they are fearful of. This statement basically describes the life of Kelsey Osucha. I am pretty much afraid of mostly everything slightly dangerous in life. I have a general fear of riding air planes, trains, and subways, because I am terribly worried that someone will try to blow up or harm people using these modes of transportation. This clearly affects my life and builds a major wall for me. Due to these fears I am unable to get anywhere unless it is in a car. This wall that is built holds me back from so much. I am also unable to actually live my life to the fullest. For example when my family traveled to Toronto for the Bills game, my parents wanted to park and then take a train that would drop us right off at the Rogers Center. However, we could not do this because if they made the decision to ride the train I told them I was not going to the game at all. Since I refused to ride the train, we were stuck in pretty heavy traffic getting out of the stadium. Incidents such as this happen often for me and I am not proud of it in any way. Being fearful of everything I do truly has a negative effect on the way I live my life, because of this I barely am able to at all. I do believe that the statement “Fear builds walls,” can truly hold people back from significant experiences.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Winning is simply succeeding at what you do. The word win is usually used when referring to a competition or game. Winners are people that are often looked up to by others. When playing a sport or competing in any type of game or contest, the object of the game is mostly to always win. Winning gives one a sense of achievement and success. Everyone loves to feel as though they made a major accomplishment. Right before a competitive event, the coach most often says “just go out there and have fun, winning isn’t everything.” It bothers me when people say this because winning basically is everything is most cases. Whether it is playing soccer, competing in a cheerleading competition or playing a board game, everyone plays in hopes of winning. Not many people play a game in hopes of losing or getting second place, mostly everyone strives to win. However, in order to be winner you must work hard to accomplish your goals. Not many people are fortunate enough where they are naturally talented, most individuals have to work hard to become successful. A winner also never quits. They continue to strive to be the best at what they do. Even if it means failing multiple times before succeeding, that’s what it takes to be a true winner. Winning is basically the main goal of every aspect of life because it is a very competitive world out there. Although I do strongly believe that winning is a huge accomplishment and that it is the main point in most cases, as long as dedication and hard work was put forth, winning does not have to be everything. In my life, if I have the opportunity to win I keep myself dedicated and strive for success. If I fail I do not give up, I simply try harder next time. Being a winner is a major part of life.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
My favorite holiday would definitely have to be Christmas. Everything about Christmas is just so spirit lifting! I love when it first starts to turn into that chilly month of December and the snow starts to fall. This means, time to pull out the winter boots, sweaters and gloves! Every year a little after Thanksgiving my family and I set aside time to put up our Christmas tree together. My dad sets it up, my mom puts on the garland and my sister and i decorate the tree with the ornaments. This has always been our little tree assembling tradition. I also help my mom to make the Christmas cut out cookies. She is in charge of making the dough and baking the cookies and it is my job to decorate them. After getting all prepared and Christmas Eve finally rolls around, my relatives on my mom’s side of the family all come over to my house to celebrate this special holiday. After eating a delicious homemade meal that everyone contributes to, it’s time for presents! My sister and I help to distribute the gifts from under the tree to everyone in my family. After everyone opens presents and says their thank yous, everyone just relaxes and enjoys eating their desserts and catching up. After celebrating with my family and everyone leaves, I head straight to bed and cannot wait for Christmas morning to finally come. I am usually the first one up in my house and I never fail to go and jump on everyone to wake up! When I am all done opening my presents I am so elated and thankful for the new items that I received. Then, my family and I enjoy breakfast together, get ready and head to church. After church the family gatherings continue. On Christmas day my dad’s side of the family all meet at my grandma’s house for dinner and presents. Every year my Christmas is always filled with love and excitement. Not only do I love Christmas for the presents and delicious food, but also because it is a time when I am able to really spend a lot of time with the ones I love.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I am Thankful for...
There are many people and things in life that I am extremely thankful for. I am very thankful for all of the soldiers fighting to protect our country. Without them, I would not feel as safe as I do now. It means so much to me that individuals are willing to fight for their country and protect our lives, even if it means risking their own. However I am most of all thankful for my family and the life I have. I appreciate all that my parents have done for me over the past seventeen years, and I could not ask for more. They have been more than supportive of the decisions that I have made so far and help me to make it through every struggle. Without them, I would not be half the person I am today. I am also thankful for my mother pushing me to get involved and maintain a high average. Although it could sometimes be a pain, I now am very thankful for all that she pushed me to do because it only betters my chance of getting into the school of my dreams. Not only am I thankful for the family that I was blessed with, but I am also thankful for my life here in American and how fortunate I am. I am so lucky to live in such a beautiful and free country. I also feel so sorry for those who do not have a family, or home at all and it makes me realize how truly fortunate I am just to simply have a shelter over my head, clothing on my back and fresh food to eat. There are many different things in the world that make me realize how wonderful my life really is. All in all, I am thankful for the chance at life I was given in general.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Inspirational Quotes
There are many sayings and quotes out there that come as a major inspiration to me. One quote in particular that I basically live by is “A day without laughter is a day wasted” by Charlie Chaplin. I feel as though everyday should be filled with laughter and happiness because life to too short to be in a negative mood. I believe that it is important for everyone to enjoy their life to the fullest while they still can. Another quote that I find to be very inspirational is “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing” by Helen Keller. This to me means that life is only what you make of it. If you do not live your life to the fullest then you will not experience memorable adventures. Everyone is given a chance at life, and whether they choose to live it up, or go nowhere is fully up to them. However, in my lifetime I would like to encounter adventures and make my time on earth worthwhile. “Character isn’t something you were born with and can’t change, like your fingerprints. It’s something you weren’t born with and must take responsibility for forming” by Jim Rohn. This is another quote that has a major impact on who I am. My parents have always taught me that it is very important to hold a positive character. Other individuals can strongly influence you to have a positive character however you are the only person who can develop your true character. Although while growing up your parents may push you to be kind to others and to be a leader, but when it comes down to it, you shape yourself into who you really want to be and who you are today.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Lunch With Three Individuals
If I could have lunch would three people living or deceased, my top three choices would have to be my grandfather who passed away three years ago, my friend Sarah Goergen who moved to Georgia, and lastly my mother’s best friend’s son who passed away when he was only seven. My first choice would be my grandfather because I would love to have one more chance to get to see him. I held an extremely close relationship with my grandpa. Every Friday when I was younger my sister and I would spend the day at our grandparent’s house. It upsets me that now whenever I go to their house he is no longer there. It would be amazing to have to chance to sit and have a talk with my grandpa one last time and ask him questions about himself, and his life that I have always wanted to know. I would also love to have the chance to have lunch with my friend Sarah Goergen. Sarah and I used to be best friends right up until we began middle school. One day on the bus she informed me that her family was moving to Georgia, I was very upset due to the fact that I was losing my best friend. In the eight years that she has been away I have only got to see her twice. Her family rarely is able to come up to New York and visit and I myself have never had the chance to travel down and see her. I would be elated if I were given the chance to enjoy lunch with my friend Sarah and do some major catching up on our lives. Another individual that I would love to have lunch with is my mom’s best friend’s son, Zachary Boss. Zach unfortunately passed away from leukemia at the young age of only seven, many years ago. I would feel very fortunate if I were given the chance to have lunch with this young boy. I would love to ask him as many questions as I could about all that he went through. I would also love to be able to tell his parents everything that he wanted them to know that could help to ease their pain of his loss. There are many people that are still living, but also deceased that I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to have lunch with, however these three individuals really stick out in my mind.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Thanksgiving Day!
Every year, my family celebrates Thanksgiving. Although many families celebrate this holiday, all families celebrate it in different ways. My family in particular doesn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Thanksgiving truly is a tradition for my family because every year it is the exact same. Around four o’clock in the afternoon everyone on my mom’s side of the family slowly begins to gather at my Aunt Sue and Uncle Frank’s house. Aside from my immediate family, I spend this holiday with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. When everyone first arrives, we usually just hang out and catch up on what is new in everyone’s lives. We all usually then go downstairs and gather around the fire place to watch television and talk some more. At my aunt and uncles house there is not much to do as far as entertainment goes because both of their children are grown up and live on their own. The only thing fun to do there is to play pool, so that is usually what some people do while everyone is just hanging out and talking. Most of the females then go upstairs to put all of the food together and add on the small touches. Once that is complete everyone joins at a long, elegant table, chooses their seat and a plate and then heads over to the counter to wait in line for their food. After having a delicious family meal with foods of all kinds, next comes dessert and coffee! Any kind of pie, you name it, we have it. After eating all of the women then help my Aunt Sue clean up the kitchen and put everything away. After that job is done, everyone relaxes and enjoys one another’s company for the rest of the Thanksgiving Day and of course everyone in my family is always sure to fit in time to pick on Kelsey!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Respect is a very important aspect of life. Respect means being able to show consideration, kindness and politeness towards others. Someone who is respectful does not intentionally try to hurt another individual and tries their best to put others feelings before their own. I have respect for many people in my life. I mostly respect adults because I look up to them for guidance and for inspiration. I also respect my family for always being by my side through the thick and thin and helping shape me into who I am today. And of course, I respect my true friends. I respect them for always considering my thoughts and feelings and always being there for me when I just need someone to vent to. There are many individuals of whom I look up to, but each of them for different reasons. It is important that respect is not lost in a relationship. Lying to someone is the biggest way that respect can be lost. Gaining respect for someone is difficult to do, but trying to respect them after they have disrespected you is even harder. In my opinion, in order to make achievements in life and to succeed, respect is much needed. Not only do you have to respect others but you need to respect yourself as well. Having self-respect really shows people the person you really are. If you lack self-respect, chances are that you are not going to get much in return from others. All in all, respect is being polite to everyone by simply showing them you care.
Dream Job!
I can think of many jobs out there that would be a very fulfilling career. However, my ultimate dream job would be to someday open my own Daycare Center. This would be the perfect career for me. I absolutely love children and being around them. I enjoy making them laugh and hearing the funny things they do and say. Anyone who knows me well knows that this really would be the perfect career for me. Not only is opening a Daycare Center my dream job because I love spending time with children, but also because my personality fits in with this career better than anything else. My personality is often similar to a child’s due to the fact that I love to laugh and enjoy life. If I were to someday pursue my dream job, I am confident that I would not regret my choice and that I would actually look forward to waking up for work. I have experience with children from my job this past summer. Every week day during the summer I did fun activities with small children and entertained them in order for them to participate in fun activities during their summer. I absolutely loved waking up early in the morning to go to work. The happy spirits and crazy things the kids would say are priceless and made me actually enjoy my job. Another reason why I would love to open a Daycare in my future is because someday when I have children of my own, I will be fortunate enough to be able to be at work and spend time with my children at the exact same time. In my opinion, this is a huge advantage of this career. Owning my own Daycare Center would be the perfect career for me.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
My Best Friend.
There are many people who have had an influence on my life, or impacted it in some way. There are also many people of whom I look up to as role models. When I think of someone that I look up to, the person that first comes to my mind is Mike Kueker. Not only is he my boyfriend of over two years, but also my best friend as well. Before we started dating, we were very close friends, and even then he was already someone that I looked up to. As each day passes, I continue to find more and more things about him, and also things that he does, that come as an inspiration to me. Michael is a very intelligent individual, therefore he inspires me to want to receive good grades and work even harder towards doing so. He also has an amazing work ethic. For Mike, school comes above mostly everything else in life. He has high hopes of becoming an anesthesiologist in the near future and he knows that in order to succeed he has work extremely hard. Homework comes before all activities although it is not at all what he constantly wants to be doing. Even though he has a ton of his own homework to do, he is always there to give me guidance with my trigonometry homework which comes as a struggle to me. Aside from the school aspects of why Michael is someone whom I look up to, he has also influenced me in many other ways. He has taught me to look at all situations in a positive manor, because having a negative attitude will not help to change anything. He helps to get me through difficult situations and to keep my spirits up. Mike also knows exactly how to lift me up when I am down. If I am having a terrible day, he always has the perfect things to say that clear my head and make me smile. A lot of who I am today is due to the significant impact that Mike has had on my life. After being in a relationship with him for such a long period of time, he has influenced my life in so many ways that I never thought possible. I am so thankful that the person who I look up to most in life, just so happens to be my best friend.
My oopsy
There have been many incidents in my life where I was forced to deal with intense pain. However, the worst pain that I have ever experienced was when I broke my collar bone during the summer of ninth grade. It was a gorgeous summer day and my friends and I decided that we wanted to take a bike ride. Being the camera freak I am, I insisted on bringing my camera along with us in my bag. While I was enjoying the wind blowing through my hair, I captured a picture of my friend Mary and I riding our bikes, smiling and have a great time. Further down the road as we were approaching a steep hill, for some reason I felt that I could capture a candid image of Mary riding her bike down the hill. As soon as my finger clicked the button and the picture took, I realized that I was flying down the hill at a high rate of speed, and immediately pulled the left brake without even thinking. Of course, my bike sent me soaring through the air with my bike as well. I landed many feet down the road, harshly on my left shoulder. I am so thankful that there were no cars coming from either direction, because seeing how I landed in the middle of the road, my accident could have been a lot worse than it was. After I landed I immediately grabbed my bike and my camera and dragged myself to the side of the road and lay in the ditch. I was too scared to cry because I was just so scared that my mom would be mad at me. After I called my mom and she arrived, she knew that I had to go to the hospital immediately. After all, my bone was almost poking through my skin. At the hospital it was decided that I absolutely needed surgery. Two weeks after this occurrence, I went in for surgery and came out all fixed up! That entire summer I had no choice but to sleep in a recliner chair and was not able to participate in many sleepovers. I now and always will have a metal plate and five screws holding my shoulder together and also a four inch scar on the left side of my body. Although sometimes this bothers me, when it comes down to it, I am thankful they were able to fix it as well as they did.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Creative blog
Ryan Pinkowski is pretty much known as a big deal in this school. After all, he is part time student, part time super hero. This is probably the main reason why he is so busy all the time. Of course, he has to go to school daily, catch up on his homework and try to fit time in for being with his friends. In fact, the only time that he really gets to spend time with his buddies is during school, Monday through Friday. After school, there is no time at all for Ryan to goof around, there’s not even time to study! He is constantly “on call.” This means, whenever danger calls, Ryan must be there. He must keep his pager on at all times, just in case danger strikes at any hour of any day. He even has no choice but to leave because of a call in the middle of school. I have witnessed this for myself. I am currently in block four with Ryan and last Wednesday his pager started going off. I have never seen someone react so fast as Ryan did. He immediately sprung right out of his chair and that was it, it was out the door. No one really knows exactly what kind of missions Ryan is sent on. All we are aware of is that he is in fact a true super hero and is involved with super hero actions. Such actions include, soaring into the air to quickly transfer to a person in need of assistance and battling evil villains. I am positive that being a super hero involves many more responsibilities, however those responsibilities are demanded to be kept confidential. All in all, I have no idea how Ryan Pinkowski handles all of the stresses that he is held responsible for. He is not only busy in school as a student, but also outside of school as a super hero.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Scariest moment ever!
In my life I have encountered many scary and creepy experiences. However all were minor scares. Some include watching scary movies, and attending haunted houses during the Halloween season. In fact, my scariest encounter occurred at a very scary haunted house called Freight World. Last year during the month of October I went to Freight World with some of my girlfriends, and also my guy friends. We were having a great time and had just finished going through all four houses. Of course, being the scardy cat I am, I was the only one screaming and hiding behind people trying to avoid the creepy workers coming up to me. Little did I know, the people hired to dress freaky and scare everyone, love to come up to the individuals who seem most scared. Lucky for me, a man decided to chase me around the entire building with a chain saw. I have never ran so fast in my life and never have I ever screamed so loud. Eventually they stopped picking on me, probably because they couldn’t even find me when I darted into a crowd of people and hide in between them. After I met up with my friends I was so relived to finally be back and not have to worry about them harassing me; so I thought. Little did I know two workers were sneaking up being me, a creepy clown and a 7 foot, 400 pound man dressed as a baby, with all intensions to scare me senseless, and boy did it work. I began to run away, however there was nowhere for me to go to, besides a corner; stupid mistake on my part. The two men pinned me in the corner, saying my name over and over again and would not let me go. I had never been so scared in my life. As I began to cry because I was so terrified, every single one of my friends stood back, laughing and videotaping me. Just goes to show you who your real friends are I guess! This was honestly the most terrifying encounter in my life.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Horror Story Starring Nate Bailey
One Halloween’s night, a boss named Nathan Bailey was trick or treating with his friends. They all decided to dress up together as Power Rangers and do a little bit of candy gathering. The boys were having a blast, running down the streets yelling “Trick or Treat!” Snickers, Skittles, Reese’s, you name it! The boys were collecting candy of all kinds. As they were going from house to house, they soon approached a street that was dark and seemed to be abandoned. Together they decided that they were going to take a walk down that road. After a rather long walk they finally approached a spooky looking house that was the only one on the street and all the way at the very end of the road. Seeing how decorations were up and lights were on Nate persuaded his friends that it was okay to approach the house. As they yelled “Trick or Treat” the door slowly creaked open, with no one standing there. As they peered inside a bowl of candy was sitting on the stair case. Being the boss that Nate Bailey is, he decided to run in quick and grab the candy for him and his bros. However, Nate was not quick enough. As he went to go reach for the bowl, the door behind him slammed and locked shut, as he screamed and cried for help. The old man inside took Nate and gassed him. Nate immediately passed out. Just as the old man was about to take an axe to his head, his Power Ranger pal Ty Stoldt kicked down the door. The creepy old man ran as fast as he could out the back door, and no one has ever seen him since. After Nathan woke up from the gas he was given, he was so thankful for his life and for his friend Ty saving him. Throughout this entire experience, Nate Bailey and his friends definitely realized that Nate can’t always be the boss for all situations.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Nate Bailey=BOSS!
In my mind, Nate Bailey is most definitely the BOSS. In order to be a boss you need to know how to take charge and be in control. I have witnessed many incidents since I have known Nate, where he has for sure shown qualities of being a boss. I have known Nate basically all of my life; however his boss qualities have improved over the years. Especially since he entered high school he has really stepped up his boss game. Now that Nate is a senior, look out! He is the head boss of all the bosses and everyone knows it. Not only does Nate have the personality of a boss, he is confident that he is the one and only boss. Everyone basically bows down to Nathan Bailey every time he enters a room. I have even witnessed for myself, that when walking down the hall Nate does not move for anyone, everyone moves for him. If plowing small freshman girls over is what it takes to be the boss, then that is what he’s going to do. Such actions show true boss features is you ask me. Nathan also fulfills being the boss by even dressing like one. Each day that he attends school he is looking fresh and rockin’ out his bling. Nate runs the show around this school. Therefore I doubt that there is one individual in Alden High School that does not know who Nate Bailey is. This seventeen year old definitely has what it takes to be known worldwide as The Boss.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Best Song!
I am a huge music fan and I love music of all types. There are many songs out there that are favorites of mine. Although I have many songs that are my favorites, to me, the best song ever would have to be “Because You Loved me” by Celine Dion. If you really listen and pay attention to the lyrics of it, you soon realize how beautiful and inspirational they truly are. This song also makes me really appreciate my life and everyone that is a part of me. This song is a love story about someone significantly impacting the life of another. It talks about all of the positive effects that someone has had on her life, just by being there by her side through the thick and thin. Whenever I listen to this song, I can’t help but to relate it back to my own life. There are so many people of whom this song reminds me of. Whether it is my close family members, best friends, or loving boyfriend. The lyrics are so meaningful and I feel that anyone who listens to this song could easily relate it to someone in their life who they truly love. The slow rhythm and beat of the song goes excellent with the lyrics and the feel that is supposed to be given off while listening to it. Every time after I listen to it I feel a sense of elation, but most of all extremely thankful for all the loved ones that I do have in my life. Without them I would be completely lost. “Because You Loved Me” is a very inspirational and heartwarming song.
Best Class!
There are many classes that I have enjoyed taking throughout my high school career. However, one that stands out the most to me would be health class. I took this class my junior year and actually enjoyed going to it every day. I liked this class for multiple different reasons. I liked how every day was filled with learning something new, with topics ranging from parenthood, to healthy eating and much more. Each topic was always short, sweet and to the point and were also very easy to comprehend. After completing definitions or a worksheet, we were able to have time to ourselves and just hang out, which was always relaxing. I also enjoyed this class because I had many friends in it that I don’t always get the chance to talk with, and attending health class gave me that chance. We were also able to complete our projects as a group. This is nice because it was less stressful to have to complete the project alone and with the help of others, more creative ideas were generated. Another reason why health class was my favorite is because of the fact that Mr. Casillo is the teacher and he always had an up-beat personality that would brighten my day. This also helped to make class more enjoyable to come to because of his positive personality. The tests for health class were also very simple because of the fact that the topics learned were also simple, and easily comprehended. Many individuals had seen taking the baby home for the weekend as a drag; however I did not mind the baby at all. I tried my best to make the best of the situation and just to have fun with it. Health class was a very enjoyable class to take, mostly because that in order to achieve good grades, working strenuously was not needed. It was also a fun class to learn about, not to mention an enjoyable environment to work in!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Favorite Meal!
I have had many delicious meals in my lifetime, however my ultimate favorite meal just so happens to be at Olive Garden. When I go to Olive Garden, I usually go with my family, girlfriends or my boyfriend. However, no matter who I go with, or when I go, I always order the same meal every single time; chicken gnocchi soup, salty breadsticks and peach iced tea. First I start out with my drink, of course. There is no doubt in my mind when the waiter asks “Can I get you anything to drink?” My answer has always been peach iced tea. There is something about this tea that tastes so delicious that I just cannot place my finger on. It is extra sweet with frozen peaches floating at the top along with the ice. Next comes the soup! I used to order chicken gnocchi soup, only because it came with my meal. I would start out with the hot, creamy soup, but by time the chicken alfredo comes hot out of the kitchen, I am already filled up from my soup and can only eat a few bites of my main meal. After this incident occurred several times, I smartened up and started to only order to the chicken soup. This soup serves as such a delightful and filling meal. The creamy soup itself is engulfed with different kinds of vegetables, chicken pieces and also small dumplings. My absolute favorite part is when the waiter brings the warm and salty breadsticks to the table and I am then able to enjoy them with my soup. I love to dip my breadstick in with my chicken gnocchi soup, and then sip on my phenomenal peach tea. Olive Garden is my absolute favorite place to eat!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Blog 3 (last movie)
Another one of my favorite movies is the Saw series. There are currently six series of the movie Saw, each one more horrifying that the next. These movies are about a man who is happily married and has a child on the way. However one day this happiness came to an end, when the life of their child was taken by a man on mistake. After this incident happened, this man turned insane and became known as “Jigsaw.” Rather than straight up murdering his victims, he would make them go through a terrifying and torturous death. The victims would be tested and whether they passed the test determined if they would live or not. Further into the series, “Jigsaw” died himself, however the Saw series were carried on by his accomplice. There are so many gruesome details that make this film horrifying but extremely entertaining. Although I am terrified of scary movies, I am a huge fan of the Saw movie series. There is something about these movies that make them stand out above the rest. They have such an interesting plot behind them and even though most parts are highly disturbing, it is impossible to turn your head and not watch the movie. The Saw movies are great movies to watch if you are in the mood for a truly creepy movie!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Blog 2 (second movie)
Another one of my favorite movies would have to be Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This movie is filled with so many adventures and thrills. This movie is about a very poor young boy named Charlie, who is very compassionate and has such a kind personality. As soon as Charlie hears that the Wonka Chocolate Factory is allowing five children to visit the factory, he is willing to do whatever it takes to get a golden ticket. Around the time that the chocolate bars with golden tickets inside are distributed to general stores, Charlie’s mother buys him a chocolate bar for his birthday. Unfortunately, Charlie was not lucky enough to receive a golden ticket. A few days later as he is walking down the road he notices under a pile of snow, the corner of a golden ticket! In excitement Charlie rushes home to inform his family members. He decides that he wants to take his grandfather with him to the factory. When the day finally arrives, Charlie is able to meet up with the other children who have also won a ticket. However Charlie is very different from all of the rest. The others are bratty, bossy children who are not appreciative of their opportunity to go to the factory. However, Charlie is the complete opposite. Throughout the movie Willie Wonka himself takes the children and their parents on a tour through the entire factory. Entering strange but entertaining rooms in the factory, slowly children become eliminated due to their misbehavior and poor attitudes. Willie Wonka soon realizes that Charlie is the only child left. Mr. Wonka then proceeds to asks Charlie if he would like to take over his factory. Charlie is extremely thankful and excited about this; however he refuses to leave his family because family is very important to him. Eventually Willie Wonka agrees to allow Charlie’s family to join him in living in the factory. Everything ended up in Charlie’s favor in the end. This is one of my favorite movies for many reasons. I am a candy lover and I love how realistic everything in the movie looks to be. Also how this movie makes you just want to jump into your television and try the candy out for yourself. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is an excellent family film filled with adventures that make you feel like you yourself are a part of the movie.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Blog 1(first movie)
One of my favorite movies that I have seen is A Walk To Remember. This movie is based on a love story. In summary, two complete opposites have fallen in love. A teenage boy Landon, who is into all the wrong things, has done something terribly wrong and is forced to join the school play in order to make up for his wrong doings. While participating in this play, he is given the lead male role. An innocent teenage girl Jamie, who is extremely religious, has also been given the lead role. While spending many hours together practicing their lines, the two never expected to fall in love the way they did. They soon became inseparable and completely changed who each other was, however these changes were for the best. All along Jamie knew how valuable their time together really was, while Landon had no idea. One evening after sharing an eventful day together, Jamie spills out her secret. All along Jamie has known that she has Leukemia and does not have long left to live. After she informs Landon that she is slowly dying, everything changes. Eventually this only makes their relationship grow stronger and helps them to better appreciate their lives, and time together. Unfortunately in the end, Jamie’s life does come to an end. However, Landon’s feelings for her never change, and his love for her never fades. This is my favorite movie because it makes me actually realize how valuable life truly is. It also has taught me to live for the moment and to always live a happy life. There are many lessons to be learned from the movie A Walk To Remember.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Interview 9/30/10
I have never fully got the chance to sit down and have a conversation with Ryan Pinkowski, however today I was able to have that chance. Ryan has been a classmate of mine ever since I can remember way back in the primary school. After a successful interview with him I have discovered many facts about his life, and more about who is really is. After many long and strenuous years of high school, Ryan has decided that he either wants to attend college at Buffalo State or Oswego. He has high hopes of majoring in Business. However the type of business he wants to run, or focus on, he has not yet decided. However Ryan seemed very confident that majoring in business is definitely the right career choice for him. Ryan is not currently involved in any school clubs or sports. However two years ago he served as the President of F.O.P. club and was highly involved in that. Outside of school Ryan’s most enjoyed moments happen at concerts. He loves to go to different concerts with his closest friends. Some concerts that Ryan has recently attended are Sublime and also Slightly Stupid. In fact, Ryan’s most memorable moment occurred at the Sublime concert this summer on August 24th. This was most memorable to him due to the fact that he attended it with his close friends, Matt Rebmann, Zach Rogers and Cameron Gordon, and together they had the time of their lives. If Ryan was given three wishes he would put them to great use. His first wish would be to have an infinite amount of money, therefore he would never have to worry and stress about money for the rest of his life! His second wish would be for world peace. He wishes this because then no one would ever have to worry about randomly being bombed or horrible acts of violence occurring ever again. His last wish is that the Buffalo Bills will someday make it all the way to the Super Bowl. This would make Ryan extremely elated because the Bills are his favorite team in the NFL and he strongly supports them. The last thing that I found out about Ryan Pinkowski is very interesting. If he had the opportunity to meet any living person it would be Roger Waters. This is because he is the bassist from Pink Floyd and he is a major fan of this band. On the other hand, if he could choose to meet someone who has passed away he would choose Bradley Nowell. He was the lead singer of his favorite band, Sublime. After just a short interview with Ryan Pinkowski, I found out many interesting things about him and his life that I had not known before! Interviewing Ryan was a great experience.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Season 9/28/10
Out of all four seasons, my favorite is fall. I can find negative things about all other season, but when I think of fall no faults come to mind. I love fall for multiple different reasons. Summer is gorgeous, but the continuous hot, sweaty days get to be a bit of a pain. Therefore, the change in temperature is very relieving, refreshing, and could not happen at a better time. I love the feeling of waking up in the morning and feeling the cool chill of the gorgeous fall day ahead. Just peering out the window in the morning sets the mood for each day. My favorite type of fall day is when there is no sun shining, rain falling every now and then, and a cool breeze gently passing by. I enjoy waking up in the morning and seeing wet leaves scattered all over the ground as I walk to my car, only to find my car covered with leaves. It is also my favorite season because of all the fun festivities that occur during this time of year. Such as pumpkin and apple picking, Halloween, haunted houses, corn mazes and much more. There is always something entertaining to look forward to when fall rolls around. Fall is not only my favorite season because of the scenery and activities associated with it, but also because during the season of fall is when cheerleading begins!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Blog #2 9/27/10
I have recently gone to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a family vacation. However I did not go with my own family, I went with my boyfriend, Mike and his family. We went on this vacation during the month of April for nine days, during our spring break. The car ride there and back was approximately 14 hours long, including all of the pit stops that were made. Once we finally made it to our destination, it was such a relief to finally breathe in the warm, fresh air and bust out the summer clothes. Once we arrived, we immediately headed down to check out the beach. The feeling of my toes sinking in the sand felt wonderful. Along with the beautiful sight as I peered out from a far, of the rushing waves crashing onto the shore. Each time a new wave would hit, it would leave behind seashells of all colors and shapes to rest upon the wet sand. As I walked further down the beach and looked into the distance all that appeared in my field of view were tall hotel buildings, standing still with layers of white fluffy clouds surrounding them. As I continued walking I saw many different things. People jogging, children playing, teenagers soaking up the sun. Every which way I looked I seen people of all kinds, doing all different kinds of things. From the hotel balcony, looking out into the world was a sight like no other. Whether it was watching children build sandcastles, watching the sun rise, or sun set, every sight was extraordinary. My vacation to Myrtle Beach was not only filled with fun and adventure, but also beauty and memories.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Past 9/24/10
Throughout my life I have encountered many experiences that I have most definitely learned a lesson from. However, out of all these encounters the one that stands out the most is when I fell off my bike. It was the summer of my freshman year, only a few days after I had finished my final exams. It was a gorgeous, breezy summer day and my girlfriends and I decided to take a bike ride. As I was on my bike ride with Mary, Morgan, Joelle and Alyssa, being the picture freak I am, I decided to take a picture of Mary. I was trying to accomplish two tasks at once, which never ends up turning out in my favor. Attempting to take a picture with my right hand, while riding my bike down a massive hill is not the smartest idea that I have ever had. While doing so I soon realized I was going down the hill at a very high speed and I needed to stop. Without thinking before reacting, I pulled the brake that my only free hand was on, the front brake. Immediately after pulling the brake, my bike sent me soaring many feet through the air and crashing to the concrete road, all with in the blink of an eye. After several minutes my friends finally noticed I was no longer riding behind them and ran back up the hill for me as I dragged myself across the road to lie in the ditch. As I lie there screaming in pain, my friends did likewise because we were all so scared and didn’t know how to react. Luckily, my mom was close to where the accident had occurred and came rushing to help. Once she seen my bone nearly popping out of my skin, she immediately took me to the hospital. After many visits to the doctor’s office, the hospital, and having my surgery to repair the brake, everything is going well and my shoulder is back to normal for the most part. I felt extremely guilty about doing something so careless, due to the fact that my mom worked so hard to organize a family vacation to California and we were unable to go because my surgery was the day before we were supposed to leave. Through this whole experience I have learned to be more careful and think twice before my actions.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Present 9/23/10
I am a very happy person because I often think of how much I love just living and enjoying life. There are so many things that I love about my life, not only currently but also in general. I mostly love just being a teenager. These are supposed to be the best years of our lives, and so far for me, this statement has proven to be true. Not only do I get to spend the entire day, laughing and being with my friends, I am also able to spend time with them outside of school, whenever I would like. Sure, there are my parents occasionally saying no, but for the most part spending time with my closest friends is never difficult to do. Being a teenager is such a rewarding stage in life. In my life, I also love and am very appreciative of my parents. They are always there for me when I need them and I know that I will always be able to depend on them. My mom has grown to be my best friend and that is exactly the way I have always wanted our relationship to be. I also love that fact that I no longer need my parents to be my taxi cab, and that I have the independence of driving myself from place to place, such as cheerleading practice everyday. Cheerleading is a major passion of mine. I love spending my time with my team practicing and bonding as sisters with them. Most of all, I love the rush I get when performing in front of large crowds. This specific time of the year is my absolute favorite. Fall is such a beautiful season, full of color and happiness. I feel that this is why it is my favorite season, because I love being in a happy environment. Although there are any things in my life that I love, one of the things that I love most, is being fortunate enough to be in such a healthy and loving relationship at such an exciting age. I feel that I am very blessed to have found a relationship with someone who has turned out to be not only my significant other, but my best friend as well for over two years now. There are multiple things in my life, and life in general that I value, and I would not change a thing.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Future 9/21/10
After I graduate from high school I plan to move on with my life and go forward with bigger and better plans. I want to attend a private college that is close to home. I want to commute to college because I have no interest in dorming. Living far away from home would be extremely hard for me because I am very close to my family and would become home sick. Although I am still searching for the perfect college, I have high hopes of attending Daemen College. At Daemen I want to major in Business Administration/Management and also receive a degree in Early Childhood Education. After all my schooling is over and I have graduated from college I plan to become a successful business owner. The business that I would like to start is a day care center. All my life I have loved the company of babies and children and have finally figured out that this would be the perfect career for me. I am also a very responsible, organized person which would help me to become a successful business owner. This career choice would fit my personality and interests perfectly. After I begin my business career, I will not be able to wait to get married, and have a family of my own! I hope to have a loving husband and three beautiful children and together live a happy life. What I want most out of life is to live a life full of adventures, accomplishments and overall happiness. I would also love to be remembered as a sincere, happy person who was full of life.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Blog #3 9/16/10
It was a beautiful summer’s day. Richard decided to walk home from work and enjoy the fresh air. After many blocks of walking in the heat, he had finally reached his destination. As he entered his apartment he was very surprised and overwhelmed with what he had seen. He heard awfully loud noises coming from his bathroom. In freight, he had hurried over to see what all the commotion was about. He opened the bathroom door to find his toilet bursting with water and his ceiling sopping wet. Richard had no idea how to react. As he was about to fix the toilet from exploding with water, he had spotted a small dog crouched in the corner, very scared and confused. So instead he decided to comfort this strange dog and take him under his care. After the plumber had fixed the problem, Richard sat still on the couch holding the terrified animal and trying to figure out just exactly what had happened. After many moments of vigorous thought, Richard had figured it all out! He figured that the stray dog was thirsty and was roaming past his window when he spotted the toilet. He crashed through the window and landed on levers that ended up wrecking the toilet. After the day was over, Richard thought it had been a good day gone wrong. He then realized that it was one of the happiest days of his life. He now had a best friend and companion to spend all of his free time with.
Blog #2 9/15/10
Their relationship was like no other. Every moment spent together was full of excitement and romance. Life was very valuable to this couple. Their whole entire lives revolved around each other. They went to the same college, landed the same career, and go everywhere possible together. From the beginning of their relationship, everyone who was at all a part of their lives knew that they were destined to be together, and some day take each other’s hand in marriage. All was well with their relationship. They rarely fought and were very understanding of each other’s feelings. This is what helped to build such a loving and dedicated relationship for this couple. Every month for their anniversary, he would buy her a single rose as a way of expressing his love for her. Each rose she would receive would remain alive and healthy for several weeks. In the month of November he had purchased her her monthly rose. The next morning as she awoke, she found herself to be as cold as ice. As she peered around the room, she had noticed that the once beautiful rose was no more. It sat on the window sill, no longer alive and had turned a shade of brown. That very day, the love of her life had left her. She does not, and will not ever know why; fore he has left her with no way of contacting him. No one understands how this passionate love could have faded so suddenly, without any signs or warnings. Today, that November rose remains in the same spot it has been in for over thirty years, just as old, bitter, and lifeless as she.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
new blog 9/13/10

It was a terrifying day, unexplainable and like no other. However that is not how the day had begun. It was a cool fall day, with a slight breeze that would rush past me every so often. These types of days used to be my absolute favorite, used to be. As i was walking home from school multiple thoughts were rushing through my head. All I could seem to think about was how enjoyable life really is. I always made sure to walk with my head up high, with a positive outlook on my life. On that very evening, all of my positive views quickly changed. As i arrived home from school my mother was preparing chili for dinner, my favorite. What an excellent day I though as my father, mother and baby brother gathered around to enjoy our meal together. A I was peering out the window, the weather rapidly changed. What I saw then was like no other, dangerous winds and black skies. My father ordered everyone to the basement. Under my father's strict orders we all hustled down the stairs. As i got to the end of the stairs, I remembered that I forgot to grab my game boy before I went down. I ran back up the stairs quickly. I immediately heard my father screaming for me to return to the basement, when suddenly, it was too late. Before I knew what was happening I was spinning round and round in what felt like never ending circles. I was not the only one soaring through the air. But also my belongings, fears, and regrets. As i ascended higher into the air, I waved goodbye to my family, and everything I have ever known, and loved. Where I am now, and if I will ever see my family again, I do not know.
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